Digital World
Monthly Archives:
January 2011
Facebook – Sponsored Stories
Facebook lançou na passada segunda-feira um novo serviço para as empresas que têm páginas no site. O serviço chama-se Sponsored Stories, e é apresentado neste pequeno video. Com as Sponsored Stories o Facebook permite às empresas pagar para promover o conteúdo de quem fala sobre elas para as pessoas que já iriam receber esse conteúdo […]
Facebook – Sponsored Stories
Facebook lançou na passada segunda-feira um novo serviço para as empresas que têm páginas no site. O serviço chama-se Sponsored Stories, e é apresentado neste pequeno video. Com as Sponsored Stories o Facebook permite às empresas pagar para promover o conteúdo de quem fala sobre elas para as pessoas que já iriam receber esse conteúdo […]
Linkedin apresenta InMaps
LinkedIn lançou na Segunda um ferramenta a que chamaram InMaps, que permite visualizar um map com todos os contactos, criado clusters de diferentes cores. Não é um ferramenta especialmente útil, mas permite obter uma imagem visual de como os contactos estão interligados. No meu caso especifico – o meu mapa está na imagem ao lado […]
Linkedin apresenta InMaps
LinkedIn lançou na Segunda um ferramenta a que chamaram InMaps, que permite visualizar um map com todos os contactos, criado clusters de diferentes cores. Não é um ferramenta especialmente útil, mas permite obter uma imagem visual de como os contactos estão interligados. No meu caso especifico – o meu mapa está na imagem ao lado […]
Encounter in a bar
He is sited by the window, facing the door. When the waitress asked him what he wanted to drink he asked for a beer from which he took a sip and left it on the table warming. He is way more interested on something else. Something that he expects to be outside soon. It’s not […]
Encounter in a bar
He is sited by the window, facing the door. When the waitress asked him what he wanted to drink he asked for a beer from which he took a sip and left it on the table warming. He is way more interested on something else. Something that he expects to be outside soon. It’s not […]
Encounter in a bar
He is sited by the window, facing the door. When the waitress asked him what he wanted to drink he asked for a beer from which he took a sip and left it on the table warming. He is way more interested on something else. Something that he expects to be outside soon. It’s not […]
Just another night – for a glass
I’m now in the first row, very soon I’ll be my turn. A few more left ahead of me, and it’ll be soon my turn. Wait a bit.. just a bit more… Wait… One more! Now. Wait… that way? why that way? What will I get? Who will get me? Dark, sweet, bubbly… Ohh… It’s […]
Just another night – for a glass
I’m now in the first row, very soon I’ll be my turn. A few more left ahead of me, and it’ll be soon my turn. Wait a bit.. just a bit more… Wait… One more! Now. Wait… that way? why that way? What will I get? Who will get me? Dark, sweet, bubbly… Ohh… It’s […]
Just another night – for a glass
I’m now in the first row, very soon I’ll be my turn. A few more left ahead of me, and it’ll be soon my turn. Wait a bit.. just a bit more… Wait… One more! Now. Wait… that way? why that way? What will I get? Who will get me? Dark, sweet, bubbly… Ohh… It’s […]
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